Friday, July 18, 2008

Some things I learned today...

1. Imax movies are pretty boring.
They lie...It is nothing like this.

2. You must have food for a 2 year old to sit through an Imax.
3. I would DIE without Cara. I can't leave the house without her.
4. Bite of Seattle is NOT what it use to be.
5. You can randomly win some cool prizes as you hurry to your car leaving the science center and it happens to be the first day of BITE OF SEATTLE and you had no idea and that's why parking was 20.00 and there was no where to park. (I love a good run on sentence.)
6. 4 yr old girls can PMS....BIG TIME!!!
7. Do NOT, I repeat DO NOT try and take your kids to the Nordstrom Anniversary sale.
If Nordstrom ever makes this a policy, it may be cause of my kids.

8. Friends with out kids who spend time with you and your kids in public are angels.
9. When you promise to put the kids to bed so you can go running with a friend and then the kids got out of bed and played the drama card as far as throwing up and gagging, you had better come home with ice cream or you are totally gonna hear it.
10. When you work out at 8 o'clock at night make sure you don't have a stomach ache, you haven't cut your foot which is now an open wound which is now getting sweat in it which is now felling infected which I'm sure now has turned into gangrene and will fall off tonight, and with throbbing ears. Poor Cara had to listen to me the whole time.
12. Everyone needs a Cara. Did I mention I would die without her.
13. Everyone needs a Sam. What a guy to deal with the gagging and the barfing so his chubby wife could exercise.
14. Everyone needs to watch out for gangrene when they have a cut.


Angela said...

Fancy Girl!!!! Sooooooooo good to hear from you!!! Made my morning! :) I love and miss you to pieces!!! This is an AWESOME BLOG!

cara said...

this was a laugh out loud type of post. i'm still laughing!

Melanie said...

so you're saying you want to share sam? that beach picture is smokin'!

Chrissy said...

Hi you miss ME????


Unknown said...

i believe someday i will post this post on my blog. it is absolutely hilarious. and i agree on the nordy's no kid rule. my kids are not allowed in many stores and this is one of them. and when my no kid single friends hang out with me, i don't call them angels, i call the situation birth control...for them.