Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Some quiet time while on drugs...

I may have to delete this post later...LOL
I took some oxycodone cause I am about to pull a Tom Hanks and rip my own tooth out. (Stay with me...Cast Away)
History on the tooth. I broke almost 2 years ago. It killed. We didn't have dental insurance and it was going to cost $$$$$$$$$. I had a temp cap put on in hopes of holding off for insurance. Cap falls out. Now I have a huge hole up to the bone. YEAH, REALLY HURTS. If anything gets in there it gets infected and I will spare you the NASTY details. I've been dealing with the pain for almost a year and a half. Sometimes I can't take it. I get to have the tooth removed and veneer put in on the 31st. WAHHHOOOO! One positive thing from the losing of the company and getting a job is benefits. We have never had them and holy smokes it rocks.
So anyway...Sam is off playing ball and going to a movie...Life's rough, huh? He came home from young mens with some home made cookies. Not really my thing unless they are sitting there.
I'm working on eBay drinking my diet coke and I get kinda hungry.
I'll just try one. Ok these aren't half bad. Then I start to think...Who made these? Things like this sketch me out. You don't know if there kitchen is clean, if they washed their hands. Feel good on my drugs. Finally kicking in, I should be able to make a huge dent in eBay now.
Whoooooo feeling good, cranking it out...look down.
HOLY CRAP!!!!!!!!!! Who ate all the cookies?
Oh for the love, I couldn't have. Could I? OH MY GOSH this is why you should NOT do recreational drugs. You have NO idea how many cookies you ate that you don't really like.
Good thing I am starting Crossfit on Thursday so Dan can whip my butt and hopefully a few of those cookies right off.


Heather said...

please, please DON'T delete this post. think of it as a public service announcement...yeah that's it.

it just REALLY speaks to me. because after a whole lot of know... i finally gave in to pain pills.

you have made my entire day fancy! i sure miss you!!!

LC said...

Reading this as I gobble down a Big ole cookie LOL Great minds think alike. Miss You Fancy Hugs!

Sarah said...

Now I am wanting a big ole homemade choc. chip cookie...yummmm LOL

Miss you Fancy!

cara said...

i don't think you have anything to feel bad about...i have done that plenty of times and didn't have any pain meds to blame it on!

pinkebody said...

mmmmmmmmmmmmm.......cookies :-)

Unknown said...

I'm just wandering aimlessly on blogs and just read this. You are hilarious! This is a great story. Thanks for not erasing it.

Anonymous said...

haha--rad story. I found it riveting. Thanks for making it to Sarah's and seeing Wade last month. It means a lot; and Wade will never forget that Sophie and Henry were the fist cousins he ever met! But, be careful I saw a documentary on tv today about how oxycotton is the #1 stepping-stone to Heroin. Just looking out for you sista!!-seth