Sunday, July 20, 2008

Eastman's go Island for the day...

We had a crazy idea of hitting the San Juans on Saturday. I got online and checked out all the schedules and when was what and how much. I hate the unknown. I am not a fly my the seat of my pants kind of girl. So we leave at 9:00 giving us plenty of time to catch the 11:05 ferry.

Before I go farther I have to remind some of you that my husband is like a kid in a candy store or me in the coach store with these kind of adventures.

I was all prepared with my healthy snacks, diapers wipes, sippy name it. We get to Anacortes at about 10:45. Took us longer then it usually does. We can NOT find anywhere to park since we had decided to walk on. It's like almost 70.00 for us to drive on. Finally we find this hidden spot at the restaurant right there by the ferry. I run in to pay. We are heading to the ferry walking REALLY fast. It's 11:00 at this point. My dad would have a heart attack cutting it this close. I realize I am holding the pass to put on the dash for parking as we are half way to the ferry. Sam RUNS back and puts in the car and runs back. I am still walking fast...this ferry is going no where. They are still loading cars. Sam grabs the stroller from me and RUNS. I was half laughing and half totally annoyed. He could not help himself. We get there in PLENTY of time and make our way on to a CROWDED ferry.

We get all settled in and get the snacks out...

Sophie and Henry were in HEAVEN on the ferry. Sophie was a little scared at first asking all kinds of questions about if it would sink. She was OK with it after we reminded her that she can swim now.

I grabbed a ferry schedule while everyone was snacking and started to realize something was off. According to the schedule we would be in Friday Harbour for 50 minutes and have to turn around and come back. The ferry I thought we would take was not the right one. OK, not a problem. The kids won't last very long anyway.

One problem...When the ferry is late getting to dock and you are taking THE SAME FERRY have to RUN through Friday harbour.

We ran and got some lunch to go. It costs a small fortune so good thing I packed those snacks. Looked, oohed and awed and got right back on the ferry.

That's OK, it was the kids favorite part.

I don't do well without my sunglasses on, can you tell?

Sophie said she was the Island princess like Barbie....Heaven help me!

This picture is Henry in a nutshell. Just wanted a quick picture and this is what we get.

We had promised Sophie we could get treats on the Ferry. It was like she had won the lottery when she went to the cafeteria to pick them out.

Henry just wanted a little lovin' from Sissy and she was not havin' it.

Back to the car and sooooo tired.


Unguren said...

After all that running around it was probably a good thing you didn't have very long on the Island. It looks like the kids wouldn't have made it.

Unguren said...

kind of a random side comment but I realized that I didn't have your email address. I found a coupon for veet and I remember reading that you "heart veet" so if you are interested email me at hunguren @ hotmail . com

Unknown said...

this happens to us sooooooo much. things rarely turn out like i tried to ultra plan. :) we are interviewing in anacortes some time this summer. i. heart. anacortes. the houses i've found are all circa 1910 and 1925. beautiful. not holding my breath though.

Heather said...

ok those kiddos are looking way too grown up. make it stop please. :)

wendy said...

looks like a super fun day!