Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Do you ever just want to run away....

And FAR? You don't care if anyone ever finds you?!?! You don't even care if there is shopping? gasp!
I am so over being the cook, cleaning lady, the chauffeur, the"I need you to call/do this" girl, the butt wiper, the referee, the crap sorter, the the EVERYTHING!
My eyeballs hurt today.


Heather said...

I'm sorry you've been having a rough time :(. Hope things calm down. And hope to see you around more...I miss you!

cara said...

YES!! i feel like that at least once a day. ok, twice.

Unknown said...

oh welcome to the party. sounds like you and me needed to have a 'playgroup' yesterday where our kids run around like maniacs and we pretend they aren't ours.

Melanie said...

yes, yes i do. :(

klenaek said...

I am starting to wonder lately when the last time I felt something OTHER than this way. I can't quite put my finger on it.... sigh. One more year until Ella is off to kindergarten and two more at home left to go. Let the countdown begin. Wow. I sound like a terrific mom. What can I say, I am far less than perfect. It is comforting to know I am not alone in feeling this way at least, even with as much as I hope you feel better. :-) Have a great day. Love reading your blog.

Sarah Humble said...

Is it too early to feel this way? I mean with Addi only being 5 weeks?? I'm feeling ya!

cabeandmelplus3 said...

Allison you seriously crack me up! I think I feel like that everyday while im doing everything, and then when its done and Im just hanging out with Caleb I forget, until I wake up and it starts all over again. Take care we miss you guys. Lovs Melis