Wednesday, April 16, 2008

A death in the family....

Orange. The beloved gold fish of Sophie. Papa took Sophie to the pet store about a year ago and picked out the whole works for a fish. The orange fish was named, well Orange. Duh!
Orange passed sometime in the night last night.
Sophie: uh, mom. Orange is all white.
Me: Ok, well. Honey, Orange died.
Sophie: Oh no. Orange died? Hmmm, well get the reciept and we'll take her back to the store.


Unguren said...

My heart goes out to you at this tragic time in your family.

Melanie said...


i wonder how she learned about returning things. LOL

Unknown said...

melanie's comment was going to be exactly what i was going to say. too funny. glad she took it well. hannah, you are so funny.

Sarah Humble said...

Kids are so funny.... And I couldn't agree more with your friend Melanie. Take it back? Let me know how that works out.

klenaek said...

Your mom's day out sounds fantastic. You have it down to an art though, leaving them somewhere else, with your parents. I tried to go out and leave the kids home with Ty, and it just was not worth it. Although I had a good time, it was three times as much work fixing the damage done to my house in my absence! Ty is so good at taking care of the kids, playing with them, making meals, all those things, but leaves a wake of destruction in his path. oh my. Happy way belated birthday. Good to hear from you.