Thursday, April 10, 2008

My BUTT is killing me...

I know that will create a visual for most that do NOT want it.
Let me tell you Mommy Fit(as I call it) and the hill of pain and death in the same!
You know the kind of soar where wimper and whine just to go to the bathroom?
Mommy Fit is a little somin' somin' Cara and I do with the kids. We go to GrassLawn Park and do lines, squat jumps, lunges, and sprints across the soccer fields. Pure entertainment for on-lookers, I am sure.
The kids love it. Cara says we should do a biggest loser camp for chubby kids. How fun would that be?
Again, I think I am the fittest fat person I know.
I just keep plugging along.


Unguren said...

That is impressive that you do that much. I am lucky if I get a walk in and lately I am panting from walking up our stairs. Oh, the joys of being pregnant.

Melanie said...

keep up the good work, girl!!

i want to do mommy fit!

Unknown said...

is it the kind of sore that you have to just 'fall' onto the toilet seat instead of letting yourelf down slowly? that's the BEST kind of sore. nice work my dear.