Friday, April 11, 2008


Can you hear the choir sing in the background. It was a little slice of Heaven today.

For my birthday all I wanted was a whole day of ME! No kids, no cleaning, just whatever I wanted. This wish was granted from mom and dad.

I cleaned the house like a mad woman Thursday night. I know myself. I would have wanted to get it clean on my day off.
The kids went to garden and work with Papa and Gaga all day.

I dropped the kids off just after 8. I came home, climbed back in bed and watched the today show. (well we don't have cable, so its our only half fuzzy channel.)

I checked email, eBay and so on.

I exercised and took the LONGEST peaceful shower EVER. No one came in to go potty, cry or tattle.

I GOT READY! I even put makeup on. I put jeans on. No yoga suit today.

I went to mall to use a bunch of gift cards. Of course I spent them all on the kids. I got my favorite sandwich for lunch and a diet coke. I bought Henry a bed frame. I came home and climbed in bed with my laptop. I paid bills, browsed, emailed, and so on.

I fell asleep. NO ONE woke me up, NO ONE destroyed the house. It was quiet, It was clean when I woke up. I laid for a little bit and watched some ridiculous people on Dr. Phil...again, half a channel.

I finally pulled myself out to go get the kids at my moms.


Thanks, Mom and Dad.


Sarah Humble said...

Happy Birthday!!! And I'm starting to understand why you said to enjoy boredom.... and Addi's only a month old!!! :)

Sound like you had a good day. And the shower thing... I can totally relate. Shaving my legs was monumental for me.

cabeandmelplus3 said...

Hey I love the pic of the kids they are so funny man to be a kid again they just look like they are loving life. Got to love them. Oh and Caleb just busted up laughing he couldn't believe how much Henry looked like Sam he said he was Sam's mini me.

Melanie said...

Sounds like a most excellent day! I am so happy for you as this is well-deserved. Happy Birthday, by the way!! xoxo

Unknown said...

amazing. lovely lovely birthday to you.

notjustanylisa said...

Happy Belated Birthday Fancy!!