Monday, April 7, 2008

The Hill of Pain and Death!!!!

My loves in life...
1. My kids and Sam, and extended family(of course).
2. Shopping
3. Exercise
4. Ebay/Resell
The hill of paing and death...
aka the hill to grandma and grandpa's house. Its a tough walk for most.
I LOVE to exercise. It never seems to get me any skinnier, but I love it none the less. I do it 6 times a week.
So I have been challenging myself from the usual runs/walks. I decided to push, YUP PUSH, my kids in the double jogger up THAT hill. My kids and the jogger weigh just over 100 lbs. I know, I have huge kids. It is a KILLER, but feels so good. Sophie always like to cheer me on as I'm panting on the way up. "Come on mom, you are almost there."
Yeah, thanks. Now go back to eating your treats and riding along while I die.

I have done it almost 20 times now and I can't say it has gotten easier yet.


Unguren said...

Allison thanks for posting a comment on our blog. I always figured that you probably had one but never knew what it was.

You are truly dedicated with the walking up that hill. Dedicated or crazy.

The Aprecios said...

Hello, hello! Its good to see that you guys are blogging!

Sophie is such a great model! So cute! Henry is getting big too. Tell them to stop growing!

cabeandmelplus3 said...

Man you must be dedicated or crazy which ever but how awsome that hill is crazy I have only ever seen the few times I have been to Seattle but I would never do that so good for you to always keep challenging your self you are always true insperation to get my but in gear and work out.That is when I have the baby of course. Anyway take care.

Unknown said...

why is it that those hills never get easier? I's becuase you are actually going faster each time! yeah, that's the ticket.
hi! i'm so glad you found my blog and now i can come to yours. your kids are beautiful.

Emily said...

So funny! I have a hill of death that I like to run up on our beach walk - and I TOTALLY make the kids cheer for me all the way up. Seriously, it helps, huh? People stare at us like we're crazy, but it makes the torture a lot more fun!