Saturday, April 19, 2008


I adore this dress. This one will be tough. Here's the thing...
I buy boutique when I know I can resell it. I get it full price (usually with a discount code.) only if it is hot and selling out. I usually buy on mark down so I know I can get my money back.
This dress was made in ONE size and only one was made. No mark downs. A girl can dream...


Hilary said...

Hey, Al! I'm so glad you found me! I really don't spend a whole lost of time on my blog, but I'm trying to get better. We should get together sometime soon. What's the phone number? You can email me at Love you. Hilary

Unknown said...

$136? oh man. i really need to get out more. seriously, buying something full price at target is usually pushing it for me. it's awful cute though. groceries/dress? hmmm.

Katie said...

Ridiculous. I don't even own a dress that expensive!