Saturday, April 5, 2008

This kids kills me...

Sophie: Mom I get to eat what I want today.

Me: Why is that?

Sophie: I had salad pee.

Me: You had what?

Sophie: I had salad pee in the potty.

Me: Ummmm, I don't know what you mean.

Sophie: You know when Henry had a salad poop yesterday and you said he was ready to start eating things again? I just had a salad pee.

Me: I think you mean SOLID POOP!

1 comment:

cabeandmelplus3 said...

Seriously so funny when I hear stories about Sophie she always reminds me of Kenason. So dang cute I love kids perspective of life. I'm so glad you are blogging now so fun and Kenason and Baden love to see all the pictures. Caleb and I have been talking about coming to visit sometime this summer let us know whats up with you guys so we can figure things out. Oh and check out our blog I can't remember if I gave you our info yet or not its Talk soon love you all Melissa