Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Potty Talk...

My mom hates it. Everyone else loves it. We are not suppose to talk about it at her dinner table. It just seems to slip and happens every time.
So on the topic of potty talk. I have had it with poop and pee. I'm done. I am threatening one that he will be going on the potty if he doesn't stop blowing out his diaper. Then in the same breath telling the other she will go back in diapers if she doesn't wipe, flush and wash...EVERY TIME!
Henry loves to pee on the floor. He even did the unthinkable on the bathroom floor last week. He was kind enough to get out of the tub to do it and then hop back in. Lucky Sophie. When does it end? I don't want to deal with poop or pee anymore!!!!
Oh and is my kid the only one who poops as soon as we get somewhere? Why? My friend Cara said her kids only poop at home. She never has to change Cash when we are out. Henry feels the need to let loose everywhere but HOME.
Someone save me from the insanity!


Sarah Humble said...

We always manage to have potty talk too when our family gets together. It hilarious!!! It's good cause then everyone can be involved... tell that to you mom next time it happens. That you just didn't want to leave anyone out of the dinner conversation. ;)

Unknown said...

funny that i said just the other day to abe, 'i can tell i'm getting old'. i'm so tired of wiping other people's bums and looking at other people's poop. tired. of. it. all i can say? cotenelle wipes by the toilet. spend the money. it's sooooooooo worth it. and then there is also the pump of antibacterial in almost every room so that i can randomly disinfect even if they swear they washed. uh...yeah.

Anonymous said...

Abby only poops at home too. LOL