Thursday, September 30, 2010

Who said Cosmetology was an easy way out???

Holy CROW this is harder than I thought. The studying, the tests, the cuts. I mean its not the hardest thing ever but I had no idea it was so involved. Sam is studying pre-med and I have most of the same stuff he has. I really didn't know I was going to have to work so hard. Do you know what...Sternocleidomastoideus is? Yeah, well I didn't either. It's the main muscle in your neck. It's gonna be a long year and half!!


Diane said...

Hang in there! You can do it. It won't last forever. Besides, if you keep having to learn those long words, you can hire yourself out as a consultant for Dr. House.

hizles said...

That's my dream right there ... you'll be fine. Just think about everything you will know when you're done. The challenge is the best part.

Cassie said...

There are different elements to take into account entering cosmetology career. It is crucial that you consider about it first before finally choosing to take this path. For instance, the school where you'll discover the skills, the time that you have got in mastering and the like.