Sunday, September 12, 2010

I'm so in Utah!

I was talking to one of my BFF's, Cara, the other day and she said I needed to blog about our conversation. It started with I am soooo in Utah.
1. The radio. How can you go from Welcome to the Jungle by Guns N Roses to Criss Cross's Jump Jump. I mean REALLLLLY? What is with that. They also tend to get stuck on a song that's new and play it over and over and over. If I hear California Girls one more time....
2. Utah really does know how to eat. There are so many good places to eat. In Seattle I was not really a fan of eating out since I am picky and didn't really LOVE anywhere. Here, it's a whole other world. Mormons can eat and are good at it.
3. THE DRIVING- I mean realllllly. It's bad. Really bad. I have to drive into Provo for school every day. I have to leave an hour early because I NEVER know if there is going to be an accident. For 4 days in a row I was stuck on the freeway due to rollover accidents on 1-15. It's CRAZY! And can I say the exchange students driving in Utah....Ill leave it at that.
4. Wandering Kids-I don't know what it is but Utah has wandering children. I see very young, 3 or 4 years old, children wandering around by themselves. I know I just came from Seattle and I don't let my kids out of my sight, even to go next door to grandma and grandpas, but COME ON!!!!
5. All dolled up- In seattle my besties and I would meet up with the kids in our yoga pants and t's. No problem. No make-up, hair in a pony. We were good to go. In Utah....NO WAY. These girls are dolled up ALL THE TIME. I think it's a good thing, but don't make me do it. I like my slobby Seattle look most of the time. Thank you very much.
6. Very kid friendly- I have to give Utah props for being so kid friendly. In Seattle we would have to search for things to go do and usually end up at the play space at Mcdonalds. Utah has sooo many kid friendly and usually cheap or free things to do. Props to you Utah.
7. The weather- so unpredictable it makes me crazy. So far I am ok, but give me a couple weeks when it goes from 80 one day to snow the next and I may be losing my mind.
Oh, Seattle. I miss you!


Diane said...

Stay casual! I'm fighting hard to make that the "Utah style" HA!

Welcome to Utah. I've been here 4+ years, and it is still the same.

Unguren said...

When I first moved here I was like "What is with all the ladies wearing high heels to Target?" I say it is OK to sport flip flops.