Friday, September 17, 2010

Our sister goes to the hospital and we get stuffed animals!!

I was up eBaying till about 3:00am last night. I crawled into bed and could hardly keep my eyes open to pull the covers up. At 5:00 am Lucy wakes up and sounds awful and can not breath. We steam her in the bathroom, give her meds and try everything. I finally call and they say to bring her in now. They could hear her on the phone and it wasn't good.
Sam left for school so I dragged the other 2 kids out of bed and we all headed to the ER.
I have to say they were fast at the American Fork Hospital and VERY attentive to the kids. Lucy got all set up with meds and breathing treatments while the nurse comes in with 2 brand new stuffed animals for the older 2. They thought they were just to play with but then they were informed they were to keep. Sophie then says it's awesome to go the ER. Henry was in heaven because his was a Seattle Mariner's baseball player. Don't ask me why they are giving those out in the American Fork Hospital.
So 3 hours later and one tired kids and mom we head home. They wanted to keep her but she would NOT sleep in the ER and was miserable.
I got to take an hour nap which was much needed! She slept for 4 hours!!!
To top my day off even better...tonight is waxing male backs and chest at school. I mean really? I must have luck on my side right now.


Diane said...

Allison, you are amazing.

melanie said...

Let me spell out my comment for you:


Back hair. Barf. PS just wasted $ at Gene Juarez.