Saturday, October 2, 2010

Mom and Daughter date!!

Sophie and I see pretty little of each other these days. So today we ventured out for some time together. We took all of our coupons, freebies and gift cards and had a blast. We got a couple christmas presents with our freebies, had lunch and ended the day at Krispy Kremes for our free half dozen.
Sophie was in AWE and can't wait to work there when she turns 16. HAHA!
Lucy fully enjoyed the end result. Her first Krispy Kreme!!

This baby is drunk happy on Krispy Kremes.

1 comment:

Diane said...

You are the queen of coupons. I wish I were so good at that.

My favorite Krispy Kreme is the classic glazed. Reheated in the microwave for 8 seconds, it's like it just got fried.