Tuesday, October 26, 2010

It's never ending around here!!!

I've never been one to pretend like everything is perfect or even put up a fake front. LIFE IS HARD. And I'll say it. I think I have done a fairly good job at staying positive with everything going on, but I don't pretend it's perfect. Sam was in an accident yesterday. THANK HEAVENS we are covered and don't have to pay anything out of pocket unless we actually fix the truck. (Probably not going to happen unless he decides to donate plasma to pay for it.) ;)
We still are waiting on financial aid so here I sit on eBay to put gas in the cars, food on the table, and toilet paper....well you know. The bills are begging for that check. But I can make a dent here and there when I sell.
I am so thankful for my coupon, bargain and selling ability. It has saved us. A silly hobby has turned into a much needed skill.
But IT's OK! We're ok. Some days are hard and others are REALLY hard and then some days I think I am the most blessed person alive.
We do have a crazy schedule and barely survive the week but that's ok. There is ALWAYS going to be someone better off and someone worse off. No matter where we get in life. I just am choosing to take it one day at a time.
I'm so glad to say I am done with Christmas and this year again I did it for free. It's VERY VERY VERY small this year. I am just glad to say my kids will have something and it's one more thing off my shoulders.
I mean how could you be depressed or down when you see this everyday?

First PBJ and she wondered why we have been holding out on her!

Check out those cute cowgirl boots we scored for free!!!

1 comment:

Diane said...

You are so amazing! Your mom mentioned the BYU fabric - if you can't get up here to get some let me know and I'll pick some up for you.