Monday, August 25, 2008

Sophie asks a question...

Mom, what is that?
My medicine.
Can I have some?
No, it's just for mommies.
What does it do?
It makes it so I won't have a baby right now.( HA HA HA)
Ohhhhh, well are you having a baby already?
uhhhhh you mean cause mommy is a little chubby and it looks like I am?
No, I just would like a baby girl tomorrow, please.
Yeahhhh, I'll put in the order....or not.


melanie said...

Haha - quite demanding! I saw the cutest outfit at Gymboree today that I swear had Sophie written all over it.

cabeandmelplus3 said...

Thats funny!! You should put in that order!!....Or not 3 is crazy!!
But hey if you could put in the order and have a little girl or boy the next day that would be AWSOME... never gonna happen. ANyway hope you are all good. Tell everyone hi for us!

Unknown said... out. as soon as brigham figured out i had to take something to stop getting pregnant he quick figured out that there was another element to just 'mommy being pregnant'. he obviously thoguht all i had to do was want to be pregnant and tah dah it happened. uh...