Thursday, August 14, 2008

It happened...pretty sure it happened?

My mom is going to be horrified that I blogged this. It's just who I am and too funny not to tell.
Remember my warnings of fiber one bars? You know, don't ever go close to them?
I had one today. OK, not a huge deal. So I was a little gassy all day. Didn't even think about Crossfit being tonight. I head to crossfit feeling a little queasy.
Crossfit is a whopping 100 pull ups, 100 push ups, 100 sit ups, and 100 squats. I am dying but doing OK till the sit ups. I can't get even through my first one.
Here's how it played out...
Cara~Let her do crunches or something.
Me~seriously Dan, I'm dying. I can't
Dan~ .............
Cara~Maybe you can do something else.
Me~See this gut I have is in the way. I have done 3 of the 100 by now.
Me~I really should NOT have had the fiber one bar today.
Me~I'm not here, I'm not doing this, I'm somewhere else. I am at 50 now.
Dan and Kerrie~ laughing..
Me~ Did I? No....I couldn't have. I am having an outer body experience and I don't even know where I am right now. I am going to throw up. Its 7,000 degrees in here. Sweat running off of me.
Me~DONE with the sit ups...Sweat dripping off of me.
Me~This sucks.
Dan~100 squats.
I get through the squats.
laying on the floor sweating, panting...can't fell body. What just happened in the last 27 minutes?
We get in the car.
Me~Cara I am pretty sure I farted in the middle of the sit ups. I seriously can't remember since I was in another zone. I'm pretty sure I did.
Cara~uncontrollable laughter.


The Tabernacle Gym said...

SNORT!!!!!!!!!!! It's Nacle btw.

Unknown said...

oh man. i am laughing soooooooooo hard. atleast you are good freinds with these people. one time i was in my spin class and the room is very small and the fans were going full bore and threw someones poop air straight in my face. as i was huffing and puffing and breathing it in against my own will! have mercy.

cara said...

i'm STILL laughing! but i have to get it all out now because i know my abs will be too sore for laughter tomorrow!

stephanie h said...

TOTALLY cracking up here!

cabeandmelplus3 said...

Ok thats hilarious!!!! So FUNNY!!!! I always look forward to reading your blog there is always some kind of funny story.

Stacy Pincock said...

Very Funny Al. Some things just won't ever change about you! But for real, don't you just hate when that happens?