Monday, June 23, 2008

Apparently I have been busy!!

Man, I am not finding the time for blogging like I would like.
It was a full week. School got out and the kids have been sucking me dry.
I ran like a mad woman all week and my body has paid for it. I ran/walked 8 miles on Monday!
Wuuuuuuweeee! That's too much running for this chubby body in one day.
We had a garage sale on Saturday that was great. We had some really good stuff. I know everyone says that. But I had NEW IN BOX cabbage patch kids. HA HA! I had paid $6.73 for them and sold them for $10.00. I had so much that was New, or never used. We made $300.00 and my goal was $150.00. Sophie made a killing with her lemonade stand. She made 45.00, but $30.00 was profit. She had said it was for a new chair for her desk. She decided build a bear was a better idea after all. When my dad came to drop off some stuff at the garage sale she asked him if he would like some lemonade, then proceeded to tell him it was $20.00. That's my girl. My favorite sell of the day was 2 Christmas quilt and sham sets I had got at target after Christmas. They rang up at .97. HA HA HA. I sold them for $8.00. Gotta love the resell value. It's my life.
After the garage sale we cleaned up and treated ourselves to a dinner at Cheesecake Factory and then headed to build a bear. Sophie made her bear(with the UGLIEST outfit in there), and then shared the wealth with her brother so he could get his first build a bear.
Sophie named her bear Teresa. Uhhhhh, yeah we have no idea.


Sarah Humble said...

LOL. Teresa? That's great.....

Emily said...

You are crazy. But I wish I could be crazy like, instead of just the typical, run-of-the-mill, Eastman style of craziness. At least your making money at it! I got tired just looking at all of those bags! I love that Sophie gave her Grandpa the "Friends & Family" deal at the lemonade stand. What a little rip off artist! Too funny! Love you guys, laters...

Emily said...

Okay, you're making money at it, not your...I'm such an English nerd, it kills me when I do that stuff! And just for general notification to the world - "irregardless" is not a word, it's a double negative, just use "regardless". It sounds cool, but it doesn't exist - look it up! Sorry...see, that kind of craziness will get me nowhere!