Thursday, May 29, 2008

150.00 That I will WIN!!!

It's going to go towards therapy. I am losing my mind in this no starch-sugar diet I am doing. I SWEAR the frosting container was just talking to me from the pantry. It was telling me to eat it, just get out a spoon and eat it. I swear.
I ran 2.25 miles today. Yesterday was a JOKE for exercise. Cara and I took the kids to St. Edwards thinking they would ride bike and in jogger while we ran the loop.

Uhhhhh, yeah. Between me forgetting to put on a sports bra to kids not listening, climbing out of the jogger mid run, pooping in the middle of the run (diapered children thank heavens), whining, running over shoes, potty breaks, and bike accidents...I was definitely sweating. Just don't know how much of a great run it was.
Really, I am starving today. I can't get full....
Breakfast~protein bar and string cheese.
Snack~snap peas, cheese and plum.
Lunch~turkey kielbasa, apple and PB.
Snack~cheese, 2 bites of banana.
Dinner~turkey dog(no bun of course), cantaloupe and carrots.


Unknown said...

holy crap. that's like 900 calories in an entire day! no wonder you are starving. though i must say the only time i've ever lost a ton of weight i too was starving all day, every day. keep telling us what you are eating. it's starting to get me motivated.....sort of.

Melanie said...

i'm not surprised you're starving...

take care of yourself!

cabeandmelplus3 said...

You are so awsome! I know you will do good you always do.Your post about the farm.....was so funny I was laughing so hard, I could just picture it. I think we will for sure come out Kenason want's to go to Sophie's house so bad. I think we will shoot for Aug. We will let you know soon. Oh and my pics it was this amazing lady who has a studio out of her house!