Friday, May 30, 2008

Fear the silence

Last night the kids and I are cuddled on my bed watching a movie, Cars. Henry makes us watch it over and over. Henry disappears into the bathroom. I threaten him with his life to get out and come back on the bed. I didn't think much of it when he came back and climbed up with out argument. A few minutes later I hear lots of giggling. I ignore it and think he is loving the movie, like usual. All of a sudden Sophie says, "uhhh mom, we got a problem."
I look over to see Sophie and Henry covered in some kind of cream. Ohhh crap is the first thought that comes to mind. I look down on the floor to see a small round container. I am perplexed as to what he got into. Then I remember years back when I got Lazar hair removal (when I could afford it. It cost and arm and a leg. So I guess if you wanted you arms or legs without hair than you were all set) they made me buy this really expensive NUMBING lotion. It was EVERYWHERE...

I started to wipe and wash and then realized this was definitely a kodak moment.

He began making the FUNNIEST noises and I knew the cream had kicked it. He numbed himself and his sister.

Thursday, May 29, 2008

150.00 That I will WIN!!!

It's going to go towards therapy. I am losing my mind in this no starch-sugar diet I am doing. I SWEAR the frosting container was just talking to me from the pantry. It was telling me to eat it, just get out a spoon and eat it. I swear.
I ran 2.25 miles today. Yesterday was a JOKE for exercise. Cara and I took the kids to St. Edwards thinking they would ride bike and in jogger while we ran the loop.

Uhhhhh, yeah. Between me forgetting to put on a sports bra to kids not listening, climbing out of the jogger mid run, pooping in the middle of the run (diapered children thank heavens), whining, running over shoes, potty breaks, and bike accidents...I was definitely sweating. Just don't know how much of a great run it was.
Really, I am starving today. I can't get full....
Breakfast~protein bar and string cheese.
Snack~snap peas, cheese and plum.
Lunch~turkey kielbasa, apple and PB.
Snack~cheese, 2 bites of banana.
Dinner~turkey dog(no bun of course), cantaloupe and carrots.

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

My So Called Life

Does anyone remember that show? Ok so backing up a week. It all started with trip to 7-11. Oh the joys and fall backs of it being around the corner. I asked Sam if he could get me a diet coke and a little treat on his way home. (This was pre-bet.)
Sure enough he comes home with the diet coke, sprite for himself, and....

a treat for him. Uhhh. Thanks. I'll take that as a subtle hint. I am laying in bed drinking my diet coke. Yup, I know that is awful. Leave me alone.
Henry wakes up crying. Oy its going to be one of those kind of nights. He is up MOST of the night. We have no idea why. Crying moaning you name it. Tylenol doesn't work.
So It was a long night.
Sophie has a field trip to the farm. I call Cara thinking Cash would love to come and keep Henry company. Henry Falls asleep as we pull into the parking lot. OF COURSE HE DOES.
So I sit and let him sleep for a little bit hoping he will wake up happy.
Cara comes as Henry wakes up. We get the boys loaded in the jogger. Yay, we are all happy we are going to the farm. Henry immediately wants to get out of the jogger. I whip out my breath saver mints and let them go for it. Anything to keep them in the jogger. Phew. OK, we are on our way...

Oh and I forgot that Sophie insisted on dressing the part for the farm.

Yes, I let her wear matilda jane to the farm...GASP!

The kids got to feed all the new baby animals and loved it

Well crap, it starts to rain. Yup, I am the bad mom who had her kids in shorts and dresses with no socks. It's all I can do to get everyone out the door these days.

Henry is not digging the stroller anymore.

We are moving along and we notice that Cash and Henry have finished the whole thing of candies. Did I mention they were sugar free?

We get to the horses. Henry is up at the fence with Cara and Cash...all of a sudden I hear Cara scream Henry's name as I look to see the pony's head coming through the fence. He thought Henry's hand looked like a great snack. Henry comes running and screaming. I can't get him to stop. He won't get in the jogger or stop screaming. I tell Sophie we just need to go. This kid has had no sleep, we are wet and most of all..MOM IS CRABBY!
What does Sophie do? Of course, start to cry. So I'm walking out of the farm with 2 screaming kids pushing an empty double jogger while carrying one.
We stop to wash our hands as we leave. Well the jogger rolls down the hill. This mom sees it and starts to panic. Cara and I are laughing so hard I am almost crying. THIS IS SOOOOO OUR LIVES. I think the mom thought we sent our out of control kids in the jogger. The jogger hits a bump and falls back. I am just laughing at this point.

We get everyone home and fed and down for naps. I lay down with Henry to help him fall asleep. All of a sudden the WORST sounding thing comes out of his rear end.

Wanna guess? Yup, the sugar alcohol from the ice breakers gave him the WORST diarrhea EVER. We clean everything and I mean EVERYTHING up. Strip the bed, get new sheets, put things in the wash...and we are back down again. I call Cara and tell her what happened and see if they want to meet at the park when the older kids get out of school.
About 2 hours later I get a text from Cara~Cash just pooped his bed, EVERYWHERE. I had to laugh really hard. Of course he did. It wouldn't be us if he didn't.
So we get everything together to go to the park. I realize I have not eaten all day. I'm starving and there is nothing to grab. Remember Sam's ice cream from last night? I grab it and a spoon. I think I will just eat a couple bites and them pass it around to the kids.
Guess again. It had been such a long crappy day...I eat the whole pint.
I get another text from Cara~I stepped in some sort of farm ^&%(% and dragged it all through my house. Again laughing so hard it hurts.
I pull up to the park and show Cara the empty container and we both laugh.
On the way home the kids were so hyper.(I watch 2 kids after school.) Lexi the 7 year old says, "Henry's crotches are not on."
I think she meant crocs.
I am glad I have Cara. We always have days like this but at least we can have them together. Then I don't feel bad when I see the other moms who have it so under control.

Tuesday, May 27, 2008


I am down 5 lbs. 45 to go. Jeff "says" he is down 9. HA HA! He is off to go on a trip with buddies this weekend. A large amount of alcohol was being packed so I hope to gain a huge lead while he is gone. Have fun Jeff. Drink, eat and be marry for someday I will win. I love a little Dave Matthews.
breakfast~spoon of peanut butter
Ran 2 miles (a little dizzy after so I had 2 pieces of fresh pineapple)
snack~ cheese and protein bar
lunch~beef jerky, cheese and almonds
snack~Big ol Diet Coke and peanut butter
Dinner~ Salad
I got hunry tonight so I had some more almonds.

Sunday, May 25, 2008

It is soooo on Jeff!

Cara's and her husband Jeff started the no carb, let's get healthy kick. Cara and I have always exercised. Sometimes harder than others, but we have always done something. I decided to jump on their get skinny, healthy and fit band wagon. As of tonight Jeff and I have a bet. First one to lose 50 lbs gets 150.00. It was 500.00 and I chickened out a little. So, Jeff...bring it dude! HA HA!

Camping~Eastman Style!!!

Sam hates that I no longer enjoy camping. Wait, I only enjoyed it for about 2 years during my stay in Utah. I even took Outdoor Rec. Even then I am not sure I enjoyed it. It's sooo not me. My idea of roughing it is a Motel 6. I prefer 3 or 4 stars if I have a choice.
Sam really wanted to camp with the kids this weekend. So we decided on Eastman style...Grandma and Papa's back deck.
I will be sleeping inside enjoying some TV. (We don't have TV at home, so it's a treat!)

I am so excited I can hardly stand it...

Everybody needs to help...

Mom, what's this?...

Sophie can't wait to go to bed...


Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Friday, May 16, 2008

Job Description-Domestic Engineer

I have had one of those days. You know the thought process far could I get on this tank of gas. I could live in the minivan for a few days. Would anyone know I was gone...
You know you have all thought it so don't pretend I am crazy. I feel crazy, but I know we've all gone there in our heads.
I locked myself in the bathroom today. Henry was screaming and kicking. I could not get him to stop. I was at the end of my rope. I knew I had to separate myself for both of our benefits. As I sat on the bathroom floor I thought of how I got here. Ponytail, no makeup, mismatched clothes, flip flops and really needing a shower. HOW DID I GET HERE? I wanted this remember? Sometimes we have to remind ourselves of this. I sat there while he screamed even louder and had to fast forward in my mind...this will all pay off someday, this will all pay off someday, they will be good people, they will be good people.
It's HARD. It SUCKS and I am OK with admitting that. But through it all, and sometimes in a huge haze of crappy, I am blessed. I love them and am lucky that heavenly father sent them to me. They are the greatest blessing in my life next to Sam, I just have to repeat it 10 times a lot of days.
Life has been HARD latetly. We have had our lives turned upside down. It has been very stressful and upsetting, yet through it all I have my kids and Sam. That's what is important.

Thursday, May 8, 2008

A conversation with Sophie

Her~Mom, can I go ride my bike.

Me~No, Henry is alseep and I can't go out to watch you.

Her~ Pleeaaasseeee, I really really want to.

Me~I am sure you do, but not right now. If you are nice girl we will go out later and ride.

Her~ Don't try to butter me up, it's not going to work.

Me~Ummmm, ok???????????

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

I tried, I really did!!

I think I give up. On cloth diapers that is. Its stinks!

I will run!!

I have been working my butt off. My goal is to get back in shape for a 5k this summer. I can do it, I know I can. I just don't feel as good running as I use to. Stevie and I went for a run last night. We ran 1.5 miles and walked 1.5 miles. My goal is by the end of July to run it. Not fast, but moderate. I can do, dang it! The hardest thing is these HUGUNGOUS things in my front. It is NOT fun to run with at all. Wish me luck!

Friday, May 2, 2008


I decided to take the cloth diaper plunge. Yeah its expensive to start. But then you are done. NO MORE trips to target for diapers that result in a cart full of other crap you didn't really need. So I did it. I ordered the diapers, the inserts, the wet bag. I decided to sew my own wipes and make my own wipe solution. No a certain location did NOT freeze over.

They are fun. You get to pick out cute fabrics and designs. Oh YAY!

OK, so the reality comes in the mail.

Henry is soooo not sure about this. He is digging the cow print one. We try it. NO WAY!! He hates it. I make him leave it on. He starts to dig it a little.

I am newbie, right? I forgot to put the liner in the diaper for any poop. So what does he do. You got it, poops. I go old school and have to slosh it around in the toilet. I SWORE I would never put my kids through the pain of getting up to go to the bathroom only to find a diaper in there and not be able to go. Childhood memories, of course.

Sam is NOT having the cloth diapers. So looks like if I stick with it, I am on my own.

I am not loving it. I told myself 1 week. I have to stick it out that long.

If no go, then I will sell them. YUP, you can sell them for almost retail...USED.

I told you nothing stays in this house for long until it gets sold. EVEN THE DIRTY DIAPERS!!!

The FLU!!!

YUCK! Sick kids are never fun!

Henry started first with a fever of 103. He had it for 3 and half days. He was miserable. I thought we would get by and not have Sophie get the flu. Not so much. Her teacher called me on Thursday and said that Sophie had fainted in class and to come get her. She was laying on the floor when I got there. I realized as I was carrying her to the car. She is such a big kid now. NO, literally a big kid. She is not even 4 and is 45 inches tall, 45 lbs and wears a 6. Mamamia!

Catching my breath...

Wow. It's been over a week. Cara was reminding me to get back on track with blogging.

It's been a week of chaos.

Sam and I celebrated our 7 year anniversary. WHOA. That means I am OLD.

Crazy it has been 7 years. He is an amazing dad and husband. He is a very hard worker and we are so appreciative of him. We may fight and nit pick at each other, but he is the love of my life. Just don't tell him. He'll think I am going soft and use it against me.

We got to sneak away for a day and went to Ocean Shores. It was really boring and perfect. I slept A LOT. We watched TV. We don't have any at home so it was a treat. We did nothing and it was great. Poor Sam waited and waited to go to the beach and when I was finally rested and ready to go...IT WAS DUMPING RAIN!!! He only pouted a little.