Monday, November 17, 2008

She is a GENIUS!!

A friend of mine sent Sophie a surprise in the mail. I thought I would have to do most of it. She sat down and finished this puzzle in no time. What can we say, pure GENIUS!!!


Unknown said...

that part of her brain must work realy well. it's the part of my brain that does not work well.
hey - my parents said A-OK about the t.v. awesome!

Megan said...

It's because every time she comes to my classroom she wants to do the puzzles and since I'm such a good auntie I do them with her. I've created a genius.

nielsons*love*family said...

yeah! bompie loves to do puzzles too...she is MUCH smarter than me (in SO many ways)

cabeandmelplus3 said...

Oh she is so cute! We miss her! It was raining the other day and Kenason got all sad and said she really wants to move to Seattle by her Sophie!

P.S. My kids are still singing "Skeleton Dance Skeleton Dance" LOL

Carly said...

Wow, very impressive!! She is a genius..and super cute!!!!!