Thursday, November 13, 2008

The joys of being a mother!

We have been talking to Henry about getting ready to go on the potty. He is totally afraid of the toilet. This should be fun. So Sophie in her high pitched mom voice (which is odd since I have a pretty low voice) says to Henry....
"It's ok bubby boo. You just go poop and then pee on the potty."

I can tell she is thinking.

"Mom, why is pop then pee?"

"What do you mean?"

"Well when I always go poop, sometimes long time somtimes not a long time, then I know I am really really done cause the pee comes out."

I am stunned....uhhhhh, wellllllll, uhhhhh.

How do you answer that one? I have no IDEA!

"You know that is a good question. Ask Grandma next time we are there."

1 comment:

notjustanylisa said...

LOL...yeah ask Grandma....too funny!