Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Life's Lessons!

About a week ago Megan, my mom and I all went to Costco. My mom bought 2 of these huge pots of mums. She got them all planted and looking nice on her back deck. Not 2 days later we were all over for Sunday family dinner. Henry comes in with mums in his hands. We go outside to see my parents deck covered in mums. Immediately I turn to Sophie and ask who had done this. Of course her response is, "Henry did it."
Henry gets a big lecture from Grandma along with big No No's.
I look in Sophie's hair and notice mums. hmmmmm, wonder how those got there. She finally confesses to her role in the planned crime.
I give the motherly lecture on how Grandma just used her money to buy these and now look.
We get out the brooms and start cleaning it up. I am talking to Sophie about how she is saving for the new barbie movie and what if Grandma just broke it once she bought it.
Sophie replies, "I would be reary mad."
I decide Sophie needs to give Grandma the money that she has saved for the Barbie movie to help replace Grandmas flowers.
"Fine, but I don't know how to drive, and I'm not going."
As I'm trying not to laugh, "that's fine, you don't have to go."
Sophie gave Grandma the money she had in her Minnie Mouse wallet last night. Today Sophie said, "I bet Grandma's gonna buy the Barbie movie with all that money."


Stacy Pincock said...

Dude, that is so stinkin' funny! Don't you hate it when that happens. Sometimes you have to teach them a lesson.

The Aprecios said...

Those Owls you sent me are so cute! I am going to have to get one :)


cabeandmelplus3 said...

Oh that is so cute! I love that little Sophie! I can't wait to see you guys!

Unknown said...

wow allison, way to go. perfect teaching moment. :) i always miss those. you can tell.......

Unguren said...

I love that she thought she was going to buy the barbie movie. I am sure she learned her lesson. Don't mess with the mums or don't tell.