Thursday, September 11, 2008

I'm really happy...

This is weird but today the kids and I have stayed home sick. I am on pain meds for this tooth and the kids have bad colds. I was playing with the kids, baking cookies, and getting stuff done today. I sat back and thought I am really happy. There are many things that are making it so I shouldn't be like a failed business, huge budget makeover, and wanting to move. Then there is the bad tooth, bad ovaries, and many other pains. But I realized, I really enjoy my kids right now. Sophie is going through a hard stage but Henry has been my little man and is so good. Sam and I are very happy, I am feeling less overwhelmed than usual, I feel organized and prepared more then ever. I really don't know what it is. I watched Henry change and take care of this baby...
(he's going to kill me for these one day...)

This is what it's all about. Watching them become people and enjoying it. It's not always easy to enjoy it but I am grateful I can right now.

Oh sap over. I'm not sure what came over me.


cabeandmelplus3 said...

Amen!! I seriously know how you feel, and that is the amazing thing its the spirit that is with you and your family that makes those things, that can be "huge problems" seem like nothing at all and that all that is important is that you and your family are happy! I love that, what a great post! Love you guys and can't wait to see you guys...Kenason talks about her and Sophie's "sleep over" everyday!
P.S. such cute pictures of Sophie on her first day of school she is so cute, and you can just tell she has quite the personality!! love that outfit.
And the pictures of Henry he is such a mini Sam!!!

stephanie h said...

I'm so glad you are really happy and I am happy for you!

Love the pics of H-man! :)

LC said...

This post just warms my heart :)

melanie said...


hey al, what's your email? i'm planning a girls night out for thursday. 7:50 movie "women" at alderwood.

allison said...

I cant go. :( I have crossfit on Thursdays and I have been dying to see that movie.