Friday, December 4, 2009

We put the Griswalds to shame!!

You know the Griswalds from National Lampoons Christmas. That was us this past weekend. We decided to get a tree on Saturday. Somehow 4 hours later we were ontop of a mountain. I should mention there was tons of snow. We had no snow clothes, gear and Henry didn't even have a coat.
The baby is starting to lose her patients with the whole deal. I'm sure she is thinking we are all nuts and what is so hard about just getting a christmas tree and we passed tons on the way to this mountain. Sam and the kids head out in the rain and snow to find a tree. Lucy is screaming so I sit in the car with her. They realize that there is not much where we have stopped. Everyone is soaking wet. All of a sudden Sophie knocks on the window with the look of horror on her face.
"I peed my pants mom. Dad told me to just find somewhere and then I peed my pants."
So I strip her down and wrap her in our only blanket and get her back in the car and buckled to go. Sam and Henry finally come down with what seems like a christmas tree. We peel the soaking wet sweatshirt that Henry borrowed from my sister and all his wet clothes off. Here are the kids with no clothes on in the car. Lucy has had it and someone cars smells like it is on fire. We finally head down the mountain. The next day Sam gets the christmas tree and brings it to the living room.
Ok, now I know I am picky about a lot of things. But I just thought your tree needed branches on all "sides" as just a general requirement for all. This tree has branches coming out of one tiny section. The Whole back side is empty. Then where there are branches they are so long. It has to be the worlds ugliest tree.
But I lost. Sam loves it and the kids love it. It's our christmas tree with a sweet sweet spirit.


Diane said...

This made my day. I'm so glad we're not the only family with adventures like that. Especially the children with no clothes on part.

beignet3 said...

Post a picture of the tree!

Stephie said...

UMMMMM. . . Pictures please!

Stacy Pincock said...

I'd like to see some pics too!!! I like crazy trees. Hey, I was so impressed to get your Christmas card on December 1st. You were my first one. How on earth do you stay so on top of things??????

cabeandmelplus3 said...

Hey I want to see pictures of your tree!!!

Heather said...

yep we need pictures! and the bad side can go against the wall...