Friday, April 24, 2009

Sophie~that funny girl!

Yup, It is 2:20 am and I have yet to fall asleep. Sweet pregnancy bliss!

So today Sophie had some AWESOME lines that I wanted to get down before I forgot them.

"Mom, why wont you let me do anything with my life?" ~I wouldn't let her paint at the moment.

"All my single ladies, all my single ladies...wahahooooo..." ~Yup she was bustin' out Beyonce.

"Henry, it is not my responsibility, it's moms."~ No idea what they were discussing but should have been a good one.

"Mom, it is not called a Hospital, It is called a Hopsitable." ~ I stand corrected!

"It's because your are pregnant, mom...duh" ~ When I said I can't bend over anymore.

Ahhhhh, Dear love her!


melanie said...

Maybe she'll bust out some of those one liners tomorrow. I'd love to hear the Beyonce bit.

cabeandmelplus3 said...

She is so cute! I love her! I can't wait to come and see you guys!