Monday, January 10, 2011

A ride home....

Tonight was an interesting night for me. I did my usual swap the kids in a parking lot with Sam, all whining and crying. The mom guilt of wishing they were home playing instead of getting hauled around cause of our busy schedule. I was having that "what am I doing?" feeling. Like running in circles.
I sat in class feeling soooo tired and worn down. I hopped up to take my first client. You know the perky girl working it for big tips. ;)
I'm going through all the motions and just ready to be done and go to bed. I find out a girl at school doesn't have a ride home. Do I want to do it? No. It's already 10 pm and she is still working on someone. I'm getting grumpy and really want to go home but keep on a happy face. Finally leave school at 10:30 and drive her home. We start to talk. I don't know this girl all that well. Something made her start to talk and tell me how she feels lost and wants to be active in church again and feel like she belongs. I start to talk with her and answer her questions and tell her how things happened for me and the way I made the decision to live my life the way I am.
I don't think she realized it, but man, did I need that conversation.
I have nothing to complain about. There are some people out there that are so lost and have no idea how to make it better. I may not have money, or fancy things, or even an ipod for pete sakes. BUT I AM HAPPY! I know who I am and know where I am going. That's more than I think a lot of people have. I am truly blessed.
Who knew beauty school could be so deep?


Diane said...

Sounds like a blessing for both of you!

You're mom gave me a ride from the airport yesterday. I just adore her.

cara said...

Great post!!