Thursday, December 16, 2010

Pink Slip!!

Yup, it happened. We had our first pink slip. You know the one you get when you go to the Principals office. I know you are thinking wait...Henry is not in school. Lucy, well...she needs to be sent there but she's only 17 months.
The one we never thought. The good one. It happened.
I pick her up today and she hands me a slip.
"What is this?"
"It's a pink slip" (looking down and very distraught)
"What for?"
sigh....."throwing snow balls."
"Didn't you already getting a warning for that?"
"I forgot, Mom."
"Let's go home and talk to your dad about it."
Now, picture same beginning of conversation with dad. Only at, "for throwing snow balls"...
replace it with a smile of  "couldn't prouder".
His tone changed and all of a sudden it was a..."well you shouldn't even if you want to. I picked up snow on campus today and was ready to chuck it too. I forgot too."
"dad, another boy did it first."
"he did?"
This is where mom steps in with a..."doesn't matter who else does what, you know the rules".
Dad agreed even though he kind of wanted to high five her. He signed and told her not to do it again. Pink slip! It's a slippery slope from snowball throwing to, heaven for fight?!?!?


Diane said...

Here's how I look at it. The sooner a child gets "busted", the less likely they are to continue bad behavior - if you can call throwing a snowball bad behavior. You know what I mean.

I have to say this whole thing made me smile. Who could even think to give Sophie a pink slip? She's too cute.

Julie Siegel said...

My favorite part about this is that "snowball throwing" is an option for them to check on the slip.