Thursday, March 25, 2010

Where in the world are the Eastmans???

Funny you should ask. We are all over. Really, we are like the traveling, wandering family. We moved to Utah in February. The kids and I came back a few weeks ago while Sam worked on getting some housing ready for us. He is finishing up my brothers basement for us to live in. So thennnn, next week the kids and I fly to meet Sam in Las Vegas(LONG story) where we will have some family time for a few days and thennnnn, we will head to California to spend some time with Sam's sisters and then hopefully our little dwelling will be ready and we can head home to Utah. It's been a wild couple of months.
Someone had an early 4th birthday and someone else was just DYING to modeling her easter duds!!

1 comment:

cara said...

that post made me tired! glad you came back...we sooo missed you guys!