Saturday, October 11, 2008


So the other day my back was hurting and the kids love to fix my back. I lay down and the rub, hit, sit get the picture. I must have been tired because during the torture I drifted off. I could feel Henry messing with my shirt and some sort of toy. He usually plays cars on my back and it is really relaxing. Sophie decides she is going to play with my hair which only puts me farther into a drift. I wake up and can not figure out what they were playing with.
The back of my shirt was full of Tampons that had been unwrapped and "ejected". The cardboard applicators were now wrapped up in my hair as "curlers".

I had 2 thoughts...
1. HEY, these are expensive.
2. You guys were way off, but pretty creative.


Unknown said...

i've said both to each and every one of my kids. i wish sam were there to have taken a picture of this.
almost like heather and i putting huge pads in our shoes thinking they were foot beds but the smooshiness didn't last long. then we stuck them to our dresser thinking they were some kind of weird sitcker...

cabeandmelplus3 said...

Seriously Hilarious!!!!!!!! I love your kids so funny!

melanie said...

Wish I could have seen it!

Stacy Pincock said...